Lunes, Disyembre 28, 2015

Holiday, Holy Day!

Christmas. Upon hearing that word, we can’t help but feel thrilled at the same time excited. Thrilled because what might be the outcome, and excited of what might be the material things we receive of get from our loved ones. Admit it or not, it is one of the most awaited season in the entire year, specifically to us students. For us, it is our free time and a relaxation from school stuffs. It is out way of escaping their so-called hell week in school. And we tend to forget what is really the essence of Christmas and who is really the main point why we are celebrating this special event in the first place.

            Pray. Christmas is the most significant day of our Lord Jesus Christ for it is the day that he was born from Mama Mary’s womb. We must pray unto him for he saved and sustain us our needs. We must put it in our minds that one way of celebrating Christmas is also a way of showing out gratefulness and thankfulness to the Lord in a form of prayer. That’s why, we, Filipinos, are attending the dawn mass or “simbang gabi” from December 16 up to the day of his birth which is on December 25. So we must not take it for granted, we should go to church not because we have our individual wishes to be granted but because through going church is also a way of expressing our love to Him.

            Holiday Season. It is not just about giving and receiving, but what actually matters is we have different unexplainable emotions and unforgettable memories that can be added to our special days and to be cherished when old age comes. Just by seeing our family preparing the foods, enjoying the spirit of Christmas and completely laughing, we can say that “we could not ask for more”. Being with them at the most eventful day of the year is just extremely wonderful and heartwarming. And of course, it is all God’s plans and creations. He is the main point why we are  celebrating Christmas in the first place. He is the reason behind those smile of people. Not santa clause, not the money nor the gifts but only Jesus Christ himself.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 11, 2015

Let's Talk About It!

This site contains fictional characters specifically from wattpad. Are you a fond of wattpad? Staying late at night because of such obsession? Can't get them out of your mind? Well, this is the right site for you. Come on and join me! We can talk about anything as long as fictional characters, authors, recommendation of stories and the likes are involved.

Anyway /coughs/ Priljoy is the name. The oh-so-fab girl that is also hooked with the same thing which is I find it an advantage for us to have chitty chatty. So surely, we could get comfortable easily, get along with each other by sharing our feels!

Buttweight, there’s moaaaaaar! Lol. In case you guys are wondering why. I only update my site whenever I get bored or I have enough time (because school stuffs and other monkey business) so just please bear with my blog and keep in touch, aight? All the love. x