Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2016

Head Over Shoes

Yes, you read it right! I got head over shoes with Azrael Ian Navarro Montefalco III. A fictional character made by jonaxx from the trilogy books Until He Was Gone, Until He Returned and Until Forever. To tell you guys frankly, I kinda find him conceited and cocky which is really accurate. He’s just too full of himself, for Pete’s sake! He’s not even the protagonist in the story. I am Elijah’s harem at first but later on, I found myself quoting Azi’s lines. Lol. Ironic, isn’t it? And he caught me off guard, up unto now… I guess? Lmao. I’ve read tons of stories and even read all jonaxx’s works but I couldn’t just adore them like how I adore Azi. He has this personality that will make you hate him at first but admire him eventually. *giggles*

If you guys haven’t read it yet, I suggest you to read it right away. It will definitely blow your mind up. You’ll just end up reading the trilogy over and over and over again. I swear, you would regret every bit of it. Anyway, just approach me by visiting my social media accounts. The links are just in my previous posts. Okay? Okay.

Martes, Marso 8, 2016


Aye guys! I hope you are all doing great. Anyway, I’ll just get it straight to the point why I post this up all so sudden. It’s just that I couldn’t contain my freaking feels! Have you guys already read about Jonaxx’s on-going work “Ripped”? This story is the number two book in Alegria Girls Series. Gosh! I’m having goosebumps to it! *exaggerated gasp* I’m freaking out whenever I missed an update. Lol. Lately I’ve been blabbering about Fourth because I find him very attractive… and pretty cool. *thumbs up* (Just zip your mouths up and don’t EVER mention it to Azrael, aight? *pout*) Damnit! Oh by the way, he’s Pantaleon Hernaez Revamonte IV or nicknamed Fourth/Leon. (Pangalan pa lang, mabangis na! Hahahaha.) And there’s this lovely girl Freya Dominique Cuevas who said to be the reason why Fourth stopped all his old habits. Well… almost all of it, I guess. And of course! The readers would not be thrilled without annoying antagonist that is bitching around. I just can’t spill her name out because it’s taboo for me. Lmao.

So yeah, I’m not forcing nor persuading you guys to read it right away since it’s still on-going and you might also freak out (like me lolol) if there’s no sign of update because I tell you, it’s cliff-hanger! The author seems love to see us in thirst, I think. Hahahaha. But she doesn’t update slow ha? One of the reason why I love her. *all heart emojis* If your heart and mind are still battling, just add it up in your library (if you still haven’t added it yet) so you will be able to know if it’s complete or not. Stay tuned! I promise, you won’t regret it. *crossed my heart*

Wait up! Check my previous post and visit my accounts if you have spare time. Thank you! So much love. -J

Martes, Pebrero 2, 2016


Hey, what’s up? Hello.

I’m Priljoy Baruiz, the owner of this blog. Anyway, I am posting this because I just want to drop my other social media accounts here. In case, you want someone to talk to out of boredom, to get along with through chats, or to share your feels and fictional related outburst, well… you can count on me! If you have some time, visit my other accounts (specifically twitter) because I am 25/8 online there, aight? Lol kidding aside. Just please please please don’t hesitate or intimidate to @ me (on twitter and instagram) because I don’t bite at all. I am not Edward Cullen’s harem for Pete’s sake! Lmao. I am not really a fond of facebook, but you guys can message me there, okay? So yeah, for further chitchats, just reach me up. Fictional related or not, it’s fine with me.

Here ya go:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/army.exostan.bj.vip.sone
Twitter: twitter.com/joydfwy
Instagram: instagram.com/joydfwy
Snapchat: @joydfwy
Spotify: @joydfwy